Rubicon Dam Walk 28 April 2018
There's a lot of interest in our local forests but how many people have had the opportunity to visit them?
The RFPG provides regular forest tours for people, demonstrating the majesty and sometimes the devastation.
See photos below from the Saturday 28 April Forest Tour (flier here).
Visitors explored the 1928 Rubicon Hydro Electricity scheme which used kilometres of open aqueducts to ferry the abundant waters to four power stations and is which is still operating today.
With most of our local mountain terrain covered in dry forest, Murrindindi is lucky to have this wet temperate forest on its doorstep, enabling visitors to bathe in the fresh crisp air, meander along sparkling mountain streams under towering eucalypts, admire pockets of ancient Myrtle Beech trees and be mindful of one of the carbon rich forests of our world.