Visit the Rubicon

Snobs Creek Falls (Zofia Kucharska, 15 Sept 2013). Snobs Creek Falls are absolutely beautiful. They drop more than 100 metres over a series of rocky outcrops. The Snobs You can find them in Rubicon State Forest.

RFPG proposals for tourist development in the Rubicon State Forest

Murrindindi Shire Council tourism page



Tourist attractions 

Join a RFPG familiarisation tour to learn about the forest and make your own judgements of VicForests' stewardship.

Photographers!  Bring your camera; capture the beauty of the Rubicon, the Blue Range, the Cathedral ... 

Murrindindi Cycle Club 

Geological tourism

The Rubicon Forest lies in the embrace of the Cerberean Caldera, the 365m year old largest caldera in the world (more here).  The RFPG is keen to share this amazing geological phenomenon with tourists from elsewhere in Australia and beyond.  

Visit Geological Sites of NSW to get a sense of the tourist potential of geological features and geological tours,.