Rubicon Forest Protection Group Submission to Inquiry into Ecosystem Decline in Victoria

Current logging operations in Victoria's native forests are leading to a widespread loss of biodiversity and ecological integrity. This loss will become irreversible once the remaining unburnt ash forests in this area are logged out, which could be as soon as 2021.

This intensive clearfell logging, together with its associated infrastructure, is also destroying any chance of an ecotourism-based future for the area. Many worthwhile jobs can be created by dramatically expanding non-exploitative forest uses, especially tourism. The ash forests of the Central Highlands could become tourist meccas, and not just for Victorians, but for international visitors as well.

The RFPG welcomed the establishment of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Ecosystem Decline in May 2020 when it was established. 

Our submission to the Inquiry has is now available here.  

8 July 2020